Have You Or A Loved One Been Injured In A Georgia Car Accident?
If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident you should speak with an experienced Georgia car accident lawyer as soon as possible. Contact us online or call our Peachtree City office directly at 404.474.0804 to schedule your confidential consultation. Jason has helped injured victims in Peachtree City and throughout Georgia for over 30 years and looks forward to helping you.
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How to Stay Safe on the Road This Labor Day WeekendStay safe on the road during the 2017 Labor Day weekend by using a taxi, rideshare, or MARTA, or staying over at a friend’s house.
What to Do if Another Driver is Tailgating YouTailgating drivers are dangerous to themselves and everyone around them. If a dangerous driver caused your injuries, call Jason Schultz at 404-474-0804.
NHTSA Says Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Should Make NoiseThe NHTSA wants electric and hybrid vehicles to make noise to alert pedestrians, cyclists, and others of their presence.
Four Ways to Keep Pets Safe and Secure in the CarDid you know that letting your pet ride in the car with you could cause an accident? Learn more about keeping your pets safe in the car here.
Wearing Headphones While Driving Can Be a Deadly DecisionWearing headphones while driving is illegal in Georgia and can cause a serious accident. For help after a headphone-related accident, call us: 404-474-0804.
AJC Names Biggest Traffic Bottlenecks in AtlantaAtlanta has its fair share of truly terrible traffic bottlenecks. Read about the 10 worst from September here. For help after an accident: 404-474-0804.
4 Ways to Observe Drowsy Driving Prevention Week: November 6-13, 2016Drowsy driving can be as dangerous as drunk or distracted driving. Celebrate Drowsy Driving Prevention Week with us by following these tips.
Five Tips to Drive Safely at NightMost deadly car accidents happen at night - are you doing enough to prevent one? Keep your family safe by following these tips for nighttime driving.
Georgia Committed to Including Tire Safety Information in Driver's Ed CurriculumThe State of Georgia and the Michelin tire company are joining forces to bring tire safety information to new drivers in their driver's education courses.
Four Ways to Observe Distracted Driving Awareness MonthCheck out these ways to observe Distracted Driving Awareness Month to ensure you keep yourself and others safe while on the road. Read blog for more!